Use our Peptide Reconstitution Calculator below. Simply select your parameters to accurately calculate dosages.
Note: Choose “Advanced mode” if you want to dose peptide blends.
This step will depend on the syringe you’ve got (or the one you intend to buy). For the purpose of this calculation, we introduced two most common volumes - 0.5 and 1ml. Of course, if you’d like us to include other additional sizes, feel free to get in touch and we’ll see what we can do.
Another crucial step is selecting the correct amount of peptide you intend to use to be able to reconstitute it properly. Once you select the amount, our calculator will “tell” you how much solvent you need.
Of course, most peptides come in small vials and fall in the range between 3 and 10mg. As you can see, our scale starts with 5mg and goes all the way up to 50, to be able to accommodate all website visitors. But, if you need a calculation featuring an amount outside of the “normal range”, you have the “other” option where you can input the exact amount you are looking to reconstitute.
We already talked about the solvent at the beginning of the article. You can chose the type of solvent you want:
as it will depend on the nature of your intended use. As previously stated, most go for bacteriostatic water as it offers the safest environment and is the most practical to use, as it suppresses bacterias and allows for multiple draws.
Just remember that, when you’re adding more diluent, you are reducing the overall peptide concentration within the mix. Conversely, when you add less diluent, you are making the solution more concentrated.
This is the final step in your calculation process - helping the calculator “figure out” how concentrated you want your solution to be; the measurement unit is micrograms.
What this means is that if you want a less concentrated solution, the calculator will suggest adding more diluent.
Once you’ve filled out all the necessary parameters for our calculator, you will see exactly how much water to add, depending on your peptide amount and desired concentration. Our visual illustration will show you exactly how many units of solution you need to achieve the necessary result!